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Find your north star


We were founded in 2021. We noticed no resources available on-campus for people interested in Product Management, so we started ProductSC.

Our goal is to: (1) introduce students to PM and provide resources for breaking into the field; (2) create a community for aspiring Product Managers on campus.

Gain Skills

Design Thinking
Interview Preparation
Resume Workshops
Interview Frameworks
Product Pitching
  • How do I join?
    Each semester, we have an application process to recruit new members. Keep a lookout on our website and social media pages for more information about our recruitment timeline. You can click the "apply" button on our navigation menu to find the application when it is available.
  • Do I have to be a certain major to join?
    Not at all! Members in ProductSC come from all different kinds of majors. As long as you have an interest in Product Management, you are welcome!
  • Do I need to have experience in Product Management to join?
    Nope! ProductSC was made to introduce curious students to Product Management. Through our curriculum, case competition, and speaker series, you will have plenty of exposure to PM throughout the semester.
  • How often does ProductSC meet?
    ProductSC meets every Tuesday from 8-9pm.
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